The term KamaFei is a compound in griko which means “flowing heat”, a name created for the Salento team by the late Gianni De Santis, great expert in grika language, thinking of the group’s intentions. That heat that accompanies us in every season, which comes from the instruments between the ancient and the modern, the same warmth that we try to give during concerts.
In the show of the Kamafei you meet the thrust of the overwhelming traditional Salento sounds “well defended” by Melegari, founder of the Salento formation, well contaminated thanks to his traveling companions, all supported by the deep notes of the electric bass accompanied by the frenetic rhythm of the tambourine. The encounter with geographically distant musical styles is certainly challenging, but also very intriguing; respecting tradition, technology is used, “in doses never excessive”, maintaining a profound musical balance.
NOTHING IS MISSING in this new show to make it new and fun without forgetting, however, the roots of the Salento tradition that, merging with new sounds, open up to new horizons. The traditional pizzica meets the traditions of the Mediterranean and confronts itself: THE STRONGER THE TRUE TIES ARE, LIVED WITH THEIR ORIGINS, THE MORE YOU CAN ALLOW US TO WORK ON IT TO BUILD SOMETHING DIFFERENT, PROVOCATIVE, REVOLUTIONARY BUT CREDIBLE.